Braden gives fun facts about the French horn (or just “horn” as you will discover), tips on how to play it, and a demonstration of the greats sounds the instrument can make. Equipment Considerations:Horns come in two basic configurations: Single (F) horns and double (F/Bb) horns. Double horns have an extra thumb rotor which is […]
Ian gives a tour of the trumpet demonstrating how to make a sound and what exactly the trumpet sounds like. He also gives some great tips on how you can get a feel for playing a trumpet even if you don’t have one yet!
Come with Nico and explore the tenor saxophone. He demonstrates how to hold it, how to blow into it, and the cool sounds the tenor saxophone can make!
Nico is your guide as he shows the proper way to assemble and hold the alto saxophone as well as a demonstration of the cool sounds it can make!
Tom Bittinger takes you on a tour of the bassoon. He shows you what a double reed is, the parts if the bassoon, and plays a few familiar excerpts.
Katie introduces the flute! She shows how to hold it, what it sounds like, and how you can try to make a sound like you’re playing the flute even if you don’t have one yet.